You stumble upon a film playing on TV and there are no details.
Have an app that can listen to the film using the smartphone’s microphone and based on a large database identify the movie.
Many time I’m listening to a video and my mind wanders as a result of what I hear. I would like to check something that came into my mind, then until the browser downloads the content and renders it, I would also like to jot a short note. I can’t do it today not only because multitasking on smartphones is not very good (or doesn’t exist), but the screen is too small to see it all.
Push the display to an external large screen device like a TV or monitor, a laptop etc. because of the large screen it could be split up and showing multiple apps’ output.
When something is happening to us, either good and exhilarating or bad and tragic, we don’t usually take notice of the exact time it happened for understandable reasons. We might want to know that in the future: when exactly did he ask my hand in marriage, when did I saw the man hit the tree etc.
Many nowadays have smartphones on them most of the time. Smartphones can record many useful things: sudden movements, sounds, vibrations, and maybe even heartbeats. These can help pinpointing the exact time something surprising happened.