Many users seem to be fed up with the large amount of ads they get on many online publication sites (news, blogs, etc.)
A new way is needed that is better for everybody, the publisher, the advertiser, and the reader.
Do not display any ads on the page anywhere. Only show one ad at a certain point, based on time, intent, behavior, etc. This will get rid of the clutter of ads, will be much more targeted (behavior, etc.) and will be more effective because to continue the reader has to interact with the ad (if only to dismiss it.) This can be repeated based again on behavior with a new ad and so on.
Fewer ads, higher price per ad impression, higher conversions (because of the precise targeting and required interaction.)
You as a marketer would like to know more about the consumption of your product.
A PDF reader app that the client gets for free with the PDF file you send them or they download. They can, of course, open the PDF file in any other app, but you incentive them to use your app by promising them real time up to date data, surprises, etc. The app has two primary functions:
1. Report to you their consumption of the PDF file (how often, how far they read etc.)
2. A real time communication device that adapts to how they interact with the PDF document (where they currently are, what have they already read, etc.)
You would like to know if your buyer does use the product you sold them and how often.
Have a “sticker” or “button” that you ask them to stick to the product they bought, and a smartphone app or the device can connect to a home wifi network directly (you can offer an incentive like a discount.) You explain to them that data is anonymized, and it will help you create better products for them in the future.
Whenever they use the product (make coffee with their new machine) or consume it (read the book to their child) they “activate” the sticker. They do so by waving their smartphone near it, or pressing a small button on the sticker), and you’ll get the data through their smartphone or directly through their home wifi.
Build a game around each chapter of the book. For instance, after reading the first chapter, the reader has to realize what is the most important word, sentence, concept, etc. in that chapter. He then has to communicate this (website, email, SMS, etc.) to you. If he is correct, he gets a bonus (an extra short story about the main character, a badge, a tip, etc.) If he is not correct or a bit off he’ll get some help to arrive at the right answer. Each chapter has a different game, and if they make it to the last one, they get a big bonus.
The objective is not to make it hard, but fun and rewarding, so they are motivated to continue and maybe also spread the word about it.
From time to time, there is an auction for a meeting or talk with a pubic figure. The problem with this auction model is, that only people with money can contribute and only they can win the auction.
Instead of one person donating a large sum, have people donate smaller amounts (or larger ones if they want), and instead of an auction, have a raffle and a winner. Each person donating has the same chance, and you get all of the donations for the charity.