Because if you know what’s their number one worry is you can target them with the right hook to grab their attention.
If you already know your target market (your audience) then create an ad that calls them out and asks them to help: “are you planning to open a new coffee shop? Answer this one simple question and we’ll help you – free”.
The ad goes to a landing page where you ask one question and has an input box for them to write in: “As a new entrepreneur planning opening a new coffee shop, what is the one big question you have? What is it that most worries you, that if you find the answer to would help you the most? Please answer in detail. We collect your and others’ answers and will send you a free report on how to solve your problem.”
Gather all the answers and write a report on the one question that worries the majority of them. Send it to all specifying that this is what worries most.
Then use retargeting to call out again all of the participants (pixel them on the landing page).
From now on advertise based on this question to all future people in the target market.
Every minute there is a new marketing tactic that works, being used in a new way by someone. Wouldn’t you like it if someone was to keep an eye out for these and publish them?
Mix human-curated and algorithmic search with human analysis to find the best new ways marketers are using old and new tactics. Don’t publish everything, only the best ones. Charge a high fee for membership.
You probably have more than one profile (avatar) as your target audience. Using some principles of influence like authority and similarity can help project the right image for a particular visitor.
Have different looks for your website, each projecting what you want to the current visitor. For instance, projecting authority to a corporate visitor might include a photo of you in a smart high-end suit giving a talk to a large corporate audience. At the same time for someone who has a small business they run from home, a more “rich guy” casual photo of you might project more authority to him. The technical solutions for doing this by keeping track of where the visitor came from, what ad or article did they read before they clicked and came to your site, etc., are already available, as well as dynamically modifying the look of your website. You should have a default look for your site, for those visitors who you don’t know enough about.
Your ideas are no good if no one acts on them. If you already came up with an idea, put it out there and let them know about it.
Think and research: who might be profiting from this? Who might be interested in this for any other reason? Let them know about it!