Find the best interviews on any interesting subject.
A website dedicated to the best interviews in many exciting areas.
Curiosity and insight.
Publish lists of the favorite apps used by famous people.
If you have an artist your work you admire, it might be interesting to know what he think are good books by or on other artists.
Publish daily lists of books recommended by an artist. Offer readers the option to search for artists and find who recommended their book or a book about them, and also find what recommendations that artist made. Have an option for the readers to get a daily email with the new lists.
You get a lot of advice on what you should do, prioritize, target, wish for, etc. that is only part of a good plan.
Make a list of things you should not worry about, and look at it at least every morning and night. It will help you be more effective, focused and even relaxed and less stressful.
Every day many patents are granted, too many to read them all and find out which ones are interesting to you.
Publish a daily list of all patents that might be interesting in certain areas like mobile, AI, virtual reality, Iot, media, etc. Each one of published in the daily list has a detailed synopsis and possible use cases in plain English (with a link to the full patent.) You can subscribe to a daily list of one or more of these areas.