Category Archives for Marketing

Pricing by Extremes


More sales and more profit.


Have only very low and very high price versions of the product or service. For instance, a book even by a known author as an ebook would cost under $5 (preferably $1), while the deluxe hardbound printed edition would be $30-$90 or more.

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January 21, 2017

Non-Buyer Testimonials


  1. You want to make sure you only convert the right kind of client.
  2. Interrupts their normal expectation for “sales” experience, which leads to more openness to your message.
  3. Enhances your credibility.


Use testimonials of people who didn’t buy and their reasons for not buying. It should be presented as a positive: “I didn’t buy because X but would have bought because of Y and Z” where X is a benefit that they don’t need or does not apply to them, and Y and Z are also benefits that do.

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January 20, 2017

Dynamic Pictures for Testimonials


Emphasize testimonials might lead to higher conversion rate.


Use a big picture of the person giving the testimonial that changes after a short time (3–5 seconds after it becomes visible on the viewer’s screen) to the actual testimonial (text or video that plays silently.)

Icons made by Freepik


January 20, 2017

3.2.1 Show


Get better attention from you website visitor.


Wherever you need attention (a headline, sub-headline, paragraph, image, etc.), show an animated countdown (from 3 to 1 for example), and only then reveal the actual web page element.

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January 20, 2017

API Based Graphical Marketing Automation Builder


Marketing automation encompasses many functions and service. It would be useful to have a tool to help build funnels.


A graphical interface where you can drag and drop specific functions connected to external services (Facebook, Google, etc.) and have the basic building blocks (tracking pixels, campaigns, etc.) built for you at these services (using their APIs), all based on your design.

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January 20, 2017
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