Don’t only over-deliver when you sell a product for money, you can also do it when you promote something that is free.
When you promise something in return for an email address, don’t just deliver what you promised, add a surprise bonus. Selling and delivering the free stuff need the same attention as paid items.
People resent paying for shipping, especially for low priced items.
Have a bundle package for many of your products, so when they pick one of your products in your e-commerce store, show them that if they buy the bundled package (more of the same item, related items, etc.), they’ll get free shipping.
Most subscribers never open your emails.
Insert the following (or similar) text at the end of your email’s short subject “Click here to get the gist of this quickly” and a link to the web page you are promoting in your email. When they click on the link directly from the subject line, they go to that page, but instead of seeing the page as a normal visitor sees it, they get an overlay window obscuring the underlying page, with a shorter version of the email (or the whole email if it’s short.) When they click on the CTA, they simply get to see the underlying page.
If the visitor to your web page sees how much time they’ll have to spend – even if it’s not short – it’ll might make them more willing to read on.
Show an estimated time that it will take them to read the web page, based on an average reader’s speed. Then as they read and scroll down the page, update the estimation of time remaining until they finish, by taking into account both the remaining unread parts and also their actual speed of reading.
Try a new way to get an upsell and delight customers while doing it.
Use an animated opening of a new overlayed window that “opens” from the button itself with the upsell offer.